Enviado: 03:42 23/03/2024
Region: Argentina Category: National League Match: Peñarol (Mar del Plata) vs. Regatas (Corrientes) Start time: 01:00 CET - 21:00 ART (-3 GMT) Tip: Peñarol (Mar del Plata) to win. After 9 consecutive defeats, the homeowners have righted their course. - Peñarol are 17th, with a record of 9 wins and 16 losses. - After going through a deep crisis (losing 9 games in a row), they changed the coach and won the next 4 games. With Hernán Laginestra, they only lost 2 of their last 7 games at home. - They had a relapse, losing 2 of the last 3 games in the city of Mar del Plata (1 of them with a terrible performance by the referees). I think that now, after 2 weeks of rest and training, it is time to return to the victory, taking advantage of the support of their fans. - Regatas are 11th, with a record of 12 wins and 14 losses, but they comes into this game badly injured. Not only did they lose 7 of the last 9 games, but 2 of the last 3 were in their own stadium. - They come from losing on Friday against Argentino (18th) by more than 10 points.
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Denunciar Argumento inválido Argumento repetido Stake irreal Cuota no valida Correción errónea Cambio cuota fecha/hora { "local_name": "Penarol","visit_name": "Regatas", "imgsrc_local": "//cdn.apuestasdeportivas.com/img/pronosticos/escudo_generico.png", "imgsrc_visit": "//cdn.apuestasdeportivas.com/img/pronosticos/escudo_generico.png", "fecha_txt": "25/03/2024", "hora_txt": "00:10", "txt_competicion": "Argentina - LNB", "url_live": "http://www.marcadoresonline.com/baloncesto/25-03-2024", "url_stats_comp": "/baloncesto/penarol-regatas", "id_partido_enet": "4339262"}
{"marcador":"88 - 76","extra":null}