; Sorteo de un reloj de 4.000 euros en el casino live de Redbet.com Skip to main content

Sorteo de un reloj de 4.000 euros en el casino live de Redbet.com

(Leído 1445 veces)

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Enviado: 20 de Enero de 2010, 13:51
Es sencillo.

Por cada 5 euros que juegas en el Casino Live de Redbet.com consigues un boleto para el sorteo de un Omega SpeedMaster Apollo11 (es un reloj) valorado en 4000 euros.

Do you want to win a €4000 Omega watch?
Redbet.com has change it's logo and graphics and we're celebrating this by giving away an Omega Speedmaster Apollo 11 - Limited edition watch – worth €4000! The competition is a lottery, where all of our Live Casino players gets a chance to win the watch. It’s very easy to get tickets in the lottery, for every €5 you bet in the Live Casino, you will receive one ticket. The more you play, the greater chance you'll have at winning the watch! At the end of the competition we will have a draw and announce the lucky winner here at Redbet.

The competition starts on the 20th of January and ends on the 28th of February, giving everyone time to get a ticket.

Good Luck!

Best regards,
The Redbet Casino team

Do you want to win a €4000 Omega watch?
Redbet.com has change it's logo and graphics and we're celebrating this by giving away an Omega Speedmaster Apollo 11 - Limited edition watch – worth €4000! The competition is a lottery, where all of our Live Casino players gets a chance to win the watch. It’s very easy to get tickets in the lottery, for every €5 you bet in the Live Casino, you will receive one ticket. The more you play, the greater chance you'll have at winning the watch! At the end of the competition we will have a draw and announce the lucky winner here at Redbet.

The competition starts on the 20th of January and ends on the 28th of February, giving everyone time to get a ticket.

Good Luck!

Best regards,
The Redbet Casino team


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